Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lutz From General Motors Defends His Shitty Remark About Global Warming

Guess we have to be careful about what we hope for, we might get it. Funny, we have been waiting in vain for someone at high levels in the automotive industry to blow the whistle and reveal their crimes. Finally the truth comes from a top executive at General Motors. But rather than attempting to seek improvement or conversely attempting to hide the truth he adamantly stands in defiant opposition to public opinion and continues to assert his surprisingly insensitive remark. I am curious about how this fellow would describe his responsibilities and the products that he is supposed to be making to the public and towards GM’s public relations.
The most important thing we should take home from this, I think that it broadcasts loudly and clearly that if we the people wish to make any substantive changes then it won’t happen by hoping for some hero in the high levels of the big car making industry to step up. In case that you missed it, what I am referring to is that GM Corp Vice Chairman Bob Lutz has gone on the record in defense of his own statement he made dismissing global warming as a "total crock of shit", saying his views had no importance in regards to GM's dedication towards manufacturing environmentally friendly vehicles. Lutz, who is, unfortunately, the exec in charge of product development for General Motors, has been under fire from the blogosphere after his remarks to reporters in Texas made the airwaves. Apparently not knowing enough to stop putting his foot in his mouth in a posting on his corporate blog last Thursday, Lutz said the individuals "spewing virtual vitriol" in his direction for ridiculing the threat of climate change were "missing the big picture." He went further on condescendingly,"What the protestors should be doing in earnest is basing their opinions, not about me but about General Motors and what this company is doing that is ... of great benefit to the causes they so enthusiastically claim to support," Lutz said in a posting confronationally titled, "Talk About a Crock." In 2006, as part of General Motors’s effort against increased fuel performance standards, Lutz stated in a blog posting that requiring automakers to sell smaller vehicles would be "like trying to address the obesity epidemic in this country by demanding that clothing manufacturers to sell smaller, tighter sizes."

So what do we do to overcome such arrogance? We have a revolution!

WATER4GAS is offering information at a low price which consumers can use in their garage or wherever to create a small gizmo which infuses hydrogen into the gasoline/air mixture that their car runs on. What this does is make smaller particles out of the ones that the engine uses as fuel. Therefore the system is able to use a lot more of it. By doing this you can reasonably expect to lower your fuel usage by 12%. In reality though many are getting 30-50% improvement or significantly more. Those goblets must have been pretty "blankin'" big in some systems before. But with WATER4GAS they are made usable so you can lower your fuel usage. It also helps to lower emissions significantly. This package of info has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND people already and the percentage of happy customers is about 99%! So that's a start!

About the Author
GARKO shows you increase your mpg and save gas and how to save fuel and gas through hydrogen generation which is the best of the inexpensive ways to save gas

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